Preventing A Toddler From Getting Bored While Travelling

Toddlers can be hell to travel with, we all know that! They can have lots of energy, they can cry and lash out here and there, but most of the time they just get very easily bored. And when a toddler is bored, it can bring down the entire trip. But if you prepare well ahead of time, you can watch out for these moments when your little one needs a pick-me-up and administer them effectively! Here’s what to pack to ensure any boredom can be quickly washed away. 

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Pack Plenty of Activity Items

Activity items will go a long way when you have to wait around for something. On the plane,

tiran, or in the car are the most prominent times you’ll need items like these. A colouring book and pens are two basic things to bring along, but they’ll help keep your toddler quiet for at least half an hour. A bag of snacks will also go a long way, but try to avoid things with sugar in! And you can always invest in travel game sets that the whole family will enjoy. 

Keep a Carrier Handy

Carriers will go a long way when your toddler’s legs get tired and they don’t want to walk anymore. And when a toddler is both tired AND bored, it’s a recipe for disaster! So take something they can sit in or on and get some shut eye for a little while. 

Whether it’s a papoose tied to your front or you give them a ride on your shoulders, it’ll work! And if you’ve not got one suitable for travel, you can buy pushchairs online to fold up and take with you – it’s a lot easier to push a 2 year old around then it is to carry them everywhere! 

Get Through Queues as Fast as Possible

Queuing is pretty much a no-no when you’ve got a toddler, so try to fast track as many queues as possible. In the airport, for example, check in on your phone before you get there and then whizz through the rest of the process before reaching the gate. Similarly, if you’re off to a theme park or adventure world for the day, buying ‘fast passes’ to get straight to the front of the queue will work wonders. It’ll be a little more expensive, but it’ll save many headaches! 

Do Something They Want to Do

Finally, why not ask your toddler what kind of activity they want to do? If you’ve got a free day with no other ideas, turn to your little one and ask their opinion. They’ll be sure to surprise you with just how much imagination they can put into a suggestion! Maybe they want to run around and then hunt for bugs, or go swimming and have an ice cream – it’ll be a fun thing you’ll all love. 

Toddlers can struggle a lot with travel time. Try to plan the trip around them for the best boredom-busting success. 

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