The Big Humps In A Marriage (And How To Get Over Them)

Marriage is not easy, as anyone who is in one can likely tell you. It’s more than just falling in love with someone and staying with them forever, it’s building a lifestyle and, in many cases, a family with them. As such, you have to anticipate that there are going to be difficulties ahead and have an idea of how you’re going to address them. Here, we’re going to look at a few of the biggest humps that can happen in a marriage, and what to do about them.

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Not spending enough time on the relationship

As you get further into a marriage, the rest of your life proceeds alongside it. This can mean children to raise and care for, more work responsibilities to take on as you climb up the company ladder, and other family and professional needs that are going to take away time that might have been spent on your partner in the past. Making family life easier with your partner means ensuring that you’re still taking the time to spend on each other, whether this means building together time into your routine, or taking trips together once in a while. Life can often get in the way of the things that bring you closer, like going out for dinner or intimate time in bed. When intimacy hits a hump, it’s time to double your efforts. Yes, you might be getting older and struggling with things like ED and low libido (an ED Clinic Viera Suntree or a similar clinic can help with this), but you can still make time for kisses and cuddles!

The domestic responsibilities

It might seem like such a small thing, but when a couple breaks up over “unwashed dishes,” that’s not really what’s going on. Raising a family and keeping a household is labor, and if the division of labor in a family is not equal, resentment is going to build up. Share both the mental and the physical load with your partner by coming up with a chores routine together if one of you isn’t pulling their weight. If you’re not willing to share the chores, then you had better be willing to take on labor for the family in different ways.

Different expectations in the marriage

A lot of people get into marriages without having the necessary serious conversations about what they envision for their future. This can include how many kids you want, where you’re going to live, whose career is going to take priority when it comes to life-altering decisions and more. Unfortunately, unless you’re willing to find compromises and make hard choices, hiring a family solicitor might be a step you have to take. Don’t underestimate how greatly the expectations of a marriage can differ.

The financial matters

It’s unfortunate that money gets in the way of so many relationships, but it does. It’s one of the leading causes of a breakdown in a marriage. If you want to make sure that you and your partner are on the same page, financially, then you should work out a family budget together. Allowing each partner to have some money that they can spend freely can alleviate the idea that all of the money goes towards the family, leaving nothing to reward each member of it.

With the tips above, you can at least anticipate the issues that, while small now, might blow up into a big problem during your marriage, and be prepared to deal with them.

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