3 Activities That’ll Make Your Kids More Active

Finding ways to keep your children occupied will never be easy. They have extremely short attention spans, so you need to find ways to keep them entertained for long periods. At the same time, you don’t want to just plonk them in front of the TV or iPad all afternoon. It’s okay to do this now and then – especially if you’re really busy – but you should try to encourage them to do other activities. 

Kids need to do things that are fun but also teach them valuable life skills. A whole host of activities can provide this, but you’re still missing something. Kids need to be active! We can’t just keep our children indoors doing things that require minimal movement. Get them fit and healthy by doing activities with them that will actually make them active. 

Here are three ideas to get started: 

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Going out cycling with your kids is probably the easiest way for them to be active. If your child doesn’t know how to ride a bike, teach them! Get some Stabilisers, then go out with them until they’re confident enough to ride properly. It’s a wonderful excuse to spend time outdoors with your kids while they physically exert themselves.

In the early days, it’s worth getting some protective gear as well. I always find that a skateboard shop tends to be the best place to get the best protection. Skateboarding carries a higher risk of injuries, so the elbow and knee pads are typically a lot stronger, meaning your kids will be more protected on their bikes. 

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Take your children to swimming classes every week and you tick two boxes in one go. They learn a valuable life skill that could save their life one day and they remain active. 

Most local swimming pools have weekly lessons you can sign your child up for. If they really enjoy it, perhaps you can sign them up for a swimming club? Also, there’s no harm in going to the swimming pool with your kids now and then. It’s a fun outing that’ll tire them out and keep them fit. 

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Outdoor Games

This is a bit open-ended, but that’s only because it’s hard to settle on a specific game. There are literally endless outdoor games you can play with your kids that encourage them to be active. Playing football in the back garden, going to the park to play catch with a frisbee, playing tag with them – these are all excellent examples of things you can do. 

The best part is, these games are fun! Your kids love playing them at school during their breaks, so they’ll be eager to play with you. 

All things considered, active activities are incredible. They help you look after your kids and keep them entertained, they improve your child’s health and they allow for family bonding time. Oh, and that’s not all! Keeping your kids active will mean you end up being more active too, which is great for your health and well-being. Plus, it tires them out so they aren’t full of energy deep into the evening – which, as every parent knows, is always a massive positive. 

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